Can You Do the Job?
We know that many you professionals looking for their first job get rejected for their lack of experience. But you have to start somewhere, don’t you? Maybe University or College students were told that they can achieve any dream through work. That the sky’s the limit; and that there’s nothing they can’t do. Maybe they were led to believe that, with their degree in hand, they could pretend to well-paid jobs. Or maybe they weren’t! Maybe all they got is their education. US campuses are amazing environments. Students can meet professionals anytime to create links with the business world, and grow them. They can start to learn about companies, markets, sectors and jobs. They can confirm choices and prepare. Yet, we know that in the US youth unemployment stands at 9-10%. This is twice the more general unemployment rate, currently at 4.4%. Why is it that young people, fresh out of University, are twice more likely to be unemployed? Is it a lack of experience? Is it a lack of skills? Is it a problem of attitude? Is it a lack of clearly defined career choice? Or is it that they weren’t sufficiently prepared for the work place?