VH Tips

A Cover Video is an opportunity — it sets you apart and show you in your best light.

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Veedohire Tips

A video introduction is an opening for you to set the scope for the job interview and emphasize the points that you most want your potential employer
to know about you.

Plain Background

When recording your Cover Video, make sure the background doesn’t distract the viewer from main object of the video: You!

Landscape Mode

Use the landscape mode because of the depth and reach and also watching videos on the phone are best through the landscape mode.


Make eye contact since eyes communicate emotions and personality. Keep your eyes in focus in to avoid a feeling of disconnectedness.

Above Eye Level

Holding the phone in this action typically makes your jawline look more defined by pulling the skin under your chin tighter. Putting your head down compresses that skin, giving it a flabbier look.

Face the Light

Pleasant light = light that isn’t too harsh or shadowy. Turn your face toward the light source so your face is lit by it. Make sure your camera doesn’t cause a shadow on your face.

Audio Quality

The best tip for having good audio is, avoid any sort of distracting noise. The biggest culprit is the fan as it pushes wind towards the phone and muffles your voice while talking. The best is to put the fan off


When you are taking a selfie video, make sure your expressions are exaggerated slightly, otherwise it comes out looking expressionless. When you smile, smile generously. A variety of expressions is more interesting to look at.

Be Professional

Dress Professional, Neat & Tidy. It is always better to overdress than to underdress. The camera is your Recruiter. Draw them in with your Performance.

Thank You

A simple "Thank You" note is considered a common courtesy after your introduction and demonstrates polished professionalism. Showing your appreciation for your recruiter’s time will solidify the rapport you established.