Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Recruiter FAQs

First, create your employer profile and choose a Pricing Plan. When your account is set up, you can:
1. Invite colleagues with corporate email addresses.
2. Create projects and set your candidate search criteria.
3. Edit your criteria to refine your search results.
4. View cover videos of candidates.
5. Follow candidates for your shortlist and share with colleagues.
6. Connect with candidates you want to interview.

Veedohire will help you reach candidates that match your search criteria 100%. No need to have thousands of search results when you only need to find the best few dozen! To further help you connect with the right candidates, you can initially watch cover videos before you check out profile information and decide to connect.

At Veedohire, we have 2 types of Corporate Users: your administrator is a Senior Executive with order/payment authority, and can remove users. VHers are employees of your company listed under your VH Corporate account; they can create projects, set/edit search criteria, invite colleagues at VH and in projects they collaborate on, save/unsave profiles assign projects to another VHer, complete or put projects on hold, message colleagues and saved candidates.

You can invite as many of your colleagues as needed. We want you to use Veedohire successfully and we are not restricting the number of people within your company that are involved in finding the right candidates.

Your chosen Pricing Plan allows you to run a specific number of projects. Once a project is created, it must be completed without any time limitation. This means for example that you may put it on hold and re-open it later. However, a project is linked to a specific vacation and you can refine your criteria as required until you find the right candidates profiles. You may also refine your search as often as the project is live to check for new candidates.

As a VHer, you have a personal dashboard to show the live projects you created or you’re involved in. When selecting a project, you can access your references, criteria and saved candidate profiles.

Your pricing plan includes a maximum number of projects. If you run out of projects, you’ll be directed to an upgrade page to order more projects. Only your VH Account Administrator has authority to order; please either reach out to your administrator or to our team at and we’ll contact your administrator.

VH Support is available during US business hours for all time zones. Reach out to at and one of our team will respond within the hour.

Candidate FAQs

Simply create and update your profile at your own pace; it’s free of charge if you’re actively looking for a job or open to opportunities. And, most important, upload a 60-second max. cover video. When you fit a candidate search, you’ll receive notifications and invitations to connect with employers.

Employers are increasingly looking for people that fit their culture and have the right soft skills. It’s no longer whether you have the right skills and experience; but whether you’ll fit their organization that matters! You’ll also join our VH Community where you’ll find valuable resources to prepare for your next job.

After you sign up, you’ll reach your own personalized dashboard to view or edit your profile. We encourage you to keep it up-to-date. Your dashboard will show you how often you appear in search results and when you make employer shortlists.

Yes, 100% free for candidates.

Only registered Employers can access your information through our platform.

Veedohire is a platform that employers use to find candidates that match their criteria. If and when you fit their criteria, you’ll be notified and employers will reach out to you directly. You cannot contact employers directly.